This article proposes a multiscale product (MP)-based method for estimating the open quotient (OQ) from the\r\nspeech waveform. The MP is operated by calculating the wavelet transform coefficients of the speech signal at\r\nthree scales and then multiplying them. The resulting MP signal presents negative peaks informing about the\r\nglottis closure, and positive ones informing about the glottis opening. Taking into account the shape of the\r\nspeech MP close to the derivative of electroglottographic (EGG) signal, we proceed to a correlation analysis for the\r\nfundamental frequency and OQ measurement. The approach validation is done on voiced parts of the Keele\r\nUniversity database by calculating the absolute and relative errors between the OQ estimated from the speech and\r\nthe corresponding EGG signals. When considering the mean OQ over each voiced segments, results of our test\r\nshow that OQ is estimated within an absolute error from 0.04 to 0.1 and a relative error from 8 to 21% for all the\r\nspeakers. The approach is not so performant when the evaluation concerns the OQ frame-by-frame measurements.\r\nThe absolute error reaches 0.12 and the relative error 30%.